Our Public Discourse will be held via Zoom. (please note the Bahá’í Faith Community Center at 6910 E. Shea Blvd Scottsdale, AZ 85254 remains closed, all programs are virtual)
Public Discourse: Human Rights & COVID
Sunday, April 11th 2021, 7pm
Topic: Follow-up on Human Rights Day -Exploring the Inequalities exposed by COVID-19
Guided Discourse Facilitated by:
- Kyla Powell, Storyteller & School Teacher (facilitator)
- Azuin Russell (co-facilitator)
If you haven’t already signed up previously, please join our: Public Discourse Contact List
Zoom Meeting ID: 843 9357 9130
Passcode: rsvp@scottsdalebahai.org
One tap mobile: +16699009128,,84393579130#,,,,*630313# US (San Jose)
Description for Public Discourse -Human Rights & COVID:
The purpose of this discourse is to follow-up on the topics brought up by the panelists of Human Rights Day 2020. Kyla Powell will be discussing further on what type of rights have not been the same for individuals that live on the native reservation versus communities in the suburbs and cities. Other discussions will include: How the Bahá’í Faith and other Faith-based communities come into place and contribute during these turbulent times. How did the communities within the reservation seek assistance? What is the status of education for children during this time? Did race, religion and culture have effects on the rights of individuals during the pandemic? What can we as society do to advocate positive change?
We must address the failures exposed by COVID-19 and apply human rights standards so to tackle entrenched, systematic, and intergenerational inequalities, exclusion and discrimination. Please join us to explore these themes and more at our follow-up discourse.
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1142407022847963/
Event Webpage: https://www.scottsdalebahai.org/2021/human-rights-followup-2021/
RSVP by joining our: Public Discourse Contact List
Background Information:
Human Rights Day Event Webpage: https://www.scottsdalebahai.org/2020/human-rights-day-2020/
United Nations Link: https://www.un.org/en/observances/human-rights-day